On black women and artificial hair…..just wondering o?….I hope I’m not looking for trouble
Why? We complain of racism yet our women buy Caucasian women hair to cover their hair. Doesn’t that reek of some form of inferiority which “promotes” racism? I’m yet to see or hear of a white woman looking for negro hair to put on her head
I did get an explanation that black hair doesn’t thrive well in temperate regions, requiring extra special attention, hence black women lean towards the weave for convenience and also to make them look more “attractive” (hopefully not to make them look like white Cinderella).
I guess the idea of what works abroad and looks good from there filtered down like it always does and hence black women in tropical regions also chose to favour the weave. It does make them look attractive too I must admit
However there must be some confusion and mistaken identity for the man listening to that line in Bobby Brown’s song….. I’d like to run my fingers through your hair
…..when he thinks of doing it and actually does so
Heck the men also seem not to like the hair as it is often shaved off. Maybe we should ask God to phase out the natural negro hair as it appears no one likes it much
The natural black hair still can be attractive when it’s been well tended to. Indeed some black women have found ways to play around with it and not look “local” with the plaiting and other styles our forefathers admired, one of the factors helping them decide who would be wife number two or three or four .
It also worked well for black men at a time. When the Afro reigned a lot of attention was given to hair as it was nurtured the way one tends to food or a new car or a child…..something cherished. Could it be the hustle and bustle of today that made the negro hair go out of fashion?
Nothing stays the same though and trendiness promotes creativity. Heck I’m seeing black women and men with blue, red, blonde colourings on their hair. We have the right to choose how we want to look, with or without hair, so go figure
That said, what’s it gonna be: the comb, the brush, the clipper, the wig or the weave?